getBaseEtherscanEndpoint method

String getBaseEtherscanEndpoint(
  1. String fullUrl


String getBaseEtherscanEndpoint(String fullUrl) {
  Uri uri = Uri.parse(fullUrl);

  // Extract the scheme, host, and path
  String baseUrl = '${uri.scheme}://${}${uri.path}';

  // Get the query parameters
  Map<String, String> queryParams = uri.queryParameters;

  // Check if 'module' and 'action' parameters exist
  if (queryParams.containsKey('module') &&
      queryParams.containsKey('action')) {
    String module = queryParams['module']!;
    String action = queryParams['action']!;

    // Construct the base endpoint
    return '$baseUrl&module=$module&action=$action';
  } else {
    // If 'module' or 'action' is missing, return the original URL
    return fullUrl;