EvmRpcClient class base


EvmRpcClient(String rpcUrl, {Duration rateLimitTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 30), void onRpcError(Object e, StackTrace s, String url)?})
EvmRpcClient.withRPC(JsonRPC rpc)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
httpClient → HTTPClient
no setter
lastFailedTime DateTime?
getter/setter pair
onRpcError → void Function(Object e, StackTrace s, String url)?
rateLimitTimeout Duration
rpcUrl String
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


call({String? sender, required String contractAddress, required Uint8List data, BlockNum? atBlock}) Future<String>
estimateGasLimit({String? from, required String to, BigInt? amount, BigInt? gasPrice, String? data}) Future<BigInt>
Estimate Gas Fee
getBalance(String address) Future<BigInt>
Returns the balance of the account of given address in wei.
getBlockByNumber(int blockNumber) Future<Json>
getBlockNumber() Future<int>
Returns the current block number.
getBlockTimestamp(int blockNumber) Future<int>
Estimate Time to be included in the next block
getGasPrice() Future<BigInt>
Get Gas Price
getLogs({required String address, required List<String?> topics, required dynamic fromBlock, required dynamic toBlock}) Future<JsonListNested>
Returns the Logs
getPriorityFee() Future<BigInt>
getTransactionByHash(String messageHash, [int? chainId]) Future<RawEvmTransaction>
getTransactionCount(String address) Future<BigInt>
getTransactionReceipt(String txHash) Future<Json?>
Get the transaction receipt
isRateLimited() bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
queryTxByAddr({required String address, required dynamic startBlock, required dynamic endBlock, num maxTx = 10000}) Future<JsonList>
sendRawTransaction(String rawTx) Future<String>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.