decodeRLP function

DecodedRLP decodeRLP(
  1. Uint8List data,
  2. int offset

@param {Uint8List} data @param {int} offset

This function is the main RLP decoding logic. It recursively decodes RLP-encoded data. It checks the first byte of the data to determine the type of encoding (long item, list, long string, short string). Depending on the type, it calls _decodeChildren to handle the decoding recursively. The decoded result is stored in a List. The function returns a Decoded object containing the consumed bytes and the result.


DecodedRLP decodeRLP(Uint8List data, int offset) {
  DecodedRLP _decodeChildren(
      Uint8List data, int offset, int childOffset, int length) {
    List<dynamic> result = [];

    while (childOffset < offset + 1 + length) {
      DecodedRLP decoded = decodeRLP(data, childOffset);


      childOffset += decoded.consumed;

    return DecodedRLP(consumed: (1 + length), result: result);

  if (data[offset] >= 0xf8) {
    final lengthLength = data[offset] - 0xf7;

    final length = unarrayifyInteger(data, offset + 1, lengthLength);

    return _decodeChildren(
        data, offset, offset + 1 + lengthLength, lengthLength + length);
  } else if (data[offset] >= 0xc0) {
    final length = data[offset] - 0xc0;

    return _decodeChildren(data, offset, offset + 1, length);
  } else if (data[offset] >= 0xb8) {
    final lengthLength = data[offset] - 0xb7;

    final length = unarrayifyInteger(data, offset + 1, lengthLength);

    final result = hex.encode(data.sublist(
        offset + 1 + lengthLength, offset + 1 + lengthLength + length));
    return DecodedRLP(consumed: (1 + lengthLength + length), result: result);
  } else if (data[offset] >= 0x80) {
    final length = data[offset] - 0x80;

    final result = hex.encode(data.sublist(offset + 1, offset + 1 + length));
    return DecodedRLP(consumed: (1 + length), result: result);

  return DecodedRLP(consumed: 1, result: hexlifyByte(data[offset]));