publicKeyToAddress function
Uint8List publicKeyToAddress(Uint8List publicKey) {
// 1. Ensure the public key is in the correct format
if (publicKey.length == 64) {
// If public key is 64 bytes, prepend 0x04 to indicate uncompressed key
publicKey = Uint8List.fromList([4, ...publicKey]);
} else if (publicKey.length != 65) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Invalid public key length. Expected 65 bytes (or 64 bytes without prefix).');
// 2. Take Keccak-256 hash of the public key
final hash =
keccak256(publicKey.sublist(1)); // Remove the 0x04 prefix before hashing
// 3. Take the last 20 bytes of the hash
return hash.sublist(12, 32);