rebroadcastTransaction function

Future<bool> rebroadcastTransaction({
  1. required String hash,
  2. required String serializedTx,
  3. required UTXONetworkType type,
  4. Duration delay = const Duration(seconds: 5),

For a given hash and serializedTx we check if the transaction is already in the mempool If not we rebroadcast the transaction until at least half of the nodes have the transaction


Future<bool> rebroadcastTransaction({
  required String hash,
  required String serializedTx,
  required UTXONetworkType type,
  Duration delay = const Duration(seconds: 5),
}) async {
  await Future.delayed(delay);

  final clients = await Future.wait(
      for (final endpoint in type.endpoints)
          endpoint: endpoint.$1,
          port: endpoint.$2,
          token: type.coin,
    (clients) => clients.whereType<ElectrumXClient>(),

  while (true) {
    int rebroadcastCount = 0;
    Set<ElectrumXClient> clientsForRebroadcast = {};

    Future<void> testEndpoint(ElectrumXClient client) async {
      final (rawTx, error) = await fetchFromNode(
        (client) => client.getRaw(hash),
        client: client,

      if (error != null) {

      if (rawTx == serializedTx) {

    await Future.wait(
        for (final client in clients) testEndpoint(client),

    if (rebroadcastCount > type.endpoints.length / 2) {

      "Rebroadcasting: $hash for ${clientsForRebroadcast.length} endpoints",

    for (final client in clientsForRebroadcast) {
      final (result, _) = await fetchFromNode(
        (client) => client.broadcastTransaction(rawTxHex: serializedTx),
        client: client,
      if (result == null) continue;
      final json = jsonDecode(result);
      final hasResult = json.containsKey('result');
      final hasError = json.containsKey('error');
      if (hasResult) {
        final _hash = json['result'];
        Logger.log("Rebroadcasted: $_hash");
        assert(_hash == hash);
      if (hasError) {
        final error = json['error'];
        Logger.logWarning("Error rebroadcasting: $error");

    await Future.delayed(delay);

  await Future.wait([for (final client in clients) client.disconnect()]);

  return true;