recoverPublicKey function
Uint8List recoverPublicKey(
Uint8List payload,
Signature signature, {
bool hasSignatureYParity = false,
}) {
final r = padUint8ListTo32(p_utils.encodeBigIntAsUnsigned(signature.r));
final s = padUint8ListTo32(p_utils.encodeBigIntAsUnsigned(signature.s));
assert(r.length == 32);
assert(s.length == 32);
final v = signature.v;
int chainId = 0;
int recoveryId;
// Type 1 and Type 2 Transactions
if (hasSignatureYParity) {
recoveryId = signature.v; // Since V is the signature parity which is 0 or 1
} else {
// Handle both pre-EIP-155 and EIP-155 v values
if (v == 27 || v == 28) {
recoveryId = v - 27;
} else {
chainId = (v - 35) ~/ 2;
recoveryId = v - (2 * chainId + 35);
if (recoveryId != 0 && recoveryId != 1) {
throw Exception('Invalid recovery id');
final sig = ECSignature(signature.r, signature.s);
final pubKey = _recoverFromSignature(recoveryId, sig, payload, params);
if (pubKey == null) {
throw Exception('Failed to recover public key');
return unsignedIntToBytes(pubKey);