ConvUtil extension



asUTF8 Uint8List

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
hexToBytes Uint8List

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
hexToBytesOrNull Uint8List?

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
hexToBytesWithPrefix Uint8List

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
hexToBytesWithPrefixOrNull Uint8List?

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
toBigInt BigInt

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
toBigIntFromHex BigInt

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
toBigIntFromHexOrNull BigInt?

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
toBigIntOrNull BigInt?

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
toInt int

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter
toIntOrNull int?

Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension

no setter