ConvUtil extension
- on
- asUTF8 → Uint8List
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - hexToBytes → Uint8List
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - hexToBytesOrNull → Uint8List?
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - hexToBytesWithPrefix → Uint8List
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - hexToBytesWithPrefixOrNull → Uint8List?
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - toBigInt → BigInt
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - toBigIntFromHex → BigInt
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - toBigIntFromHexOrNull → BigInt?
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - toBigIntOrNull → BigInt?
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - toInt → int
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter - toIntOrNull → int?
Available on String, provided by the ConvUtil extension
no setter