EvmRpcInterface class
EvmRpcInterface({bool useQueuedManager = true, bool awaitRefresh = true, Duration? refreshIntervall, bool eagerError = false, RefreshType refreshType = RefreshType.onTask, required List<EvmRpcClient> clients, required EVMNetworkType type})
- A list of clients to use for the manager
- If true, the manager will use a QueuedRpcManager and requests will be queued
- If true, the manager will wait for the clients to be refreshed before performing a task
- The rate at which the clients are refreshed if null the clients will only be refreshed once
- If true a task will throw the first error it encounters, if false it will try all clients before throwing an error
buildAndBroadcastTransaction({required String sender, required String recipient, required Uint8List seed, required EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>? feeInfo, required Uint8List? data, required BigInt? value, List<AccessListItem>? accessList})
→ Future<String>
buildTransaction({required String sender, required String recipient, required Uint8List seed, required EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>? feeInfo, required Uint8List? data, required BigInt? value, List<AccessListItem>? accessList})
→ Future<RawEvmTransaction>
Used to create a raw Transactions
Fetches the gasPrice and gasLimit from the network
Fetches the nonce from the network
Signs the transaction
buildUnsignedTransaction({required String sender, required String recipient, required EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>? feeInfo, required Uint8List? data, required BigInt? value, List<AccessListItem>? accessList})
→ Future<RawEvmTransaction>
Used to create a raw Transactions
Fetches the gasPrice and gasLimit from the network
Fetches the nonce from the network
If Transaction Type is not provided, it will use Legacy
call({String? sender, required String contractAddress, required Uint8List data, BlockNum? atBlock})
→ Future<String>
estimateGasLimit({required String sender, required String recipient, Uint8List? data, BigInt? value, BigInt? gasPrice})
→ Future<int>
estimateNetworkFees({required String recipient, required String sender, required Uint8List? data, required BigInt? value})
→ Future<(Amount, int)>
fetchBalance({required String address})
→ Future<Amount>
Fetch Balance
fetchERC1155BalanceOfToken({required String address, required BigInt tokenID, required String contractAddress})
→ Future<Amount>
Fetch Balance of ERC1155 Token
fetchERC1155BatchBalanceOfTokens({required List<String> accounts, required List<BigInt> tokenIDs, required String contractAddress})
→ Future<List<BigInt>>
Fetch Batch Balance of ERC1155 Tokens
fetchERC1155UriOfToken({required BigInt tokenID, required String contractAddress})
→ Future<String>
Fetch Uri of ERC115 Token
fetchNetworkFees({EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>? existing, required String recipient, required String sender, required Uint8List? data, required BigInt? value})
→ Future<(int, EvmGasPrice)>
fetchTokenBalance(String address, ERC20Entity token)
→ Future<Amount>
Fetch Token Balance
→ Future<int>
Get Block Number
getConfirmationStatus(String hash)
→ Future<ConfirmationStatus>
→ Future<Json>
Get Current Block
→ Future<BigInt>
Get Gas Price
→ Future<Amount>
Get Gas Price
→ Future<Amount>
getTransactionByHash(String hash)
→ Future<RawEvmTransaction>
Get Transaction By Hash
getTransactionCount(String address)
→ Future<BigInt>
Get Transaction Count (Nonce)
→ Future<EvmType2GasPrice>
interactWithContract({required String contractAddress, required LocalContractFunctionWithValues function, required String sender, required Uint8List seed, required EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>? feeInfo, BigInt? value})
→ Future<String>
Interact with Contract
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
performTask<T>(Future<T> task(EvmRpcClient client), {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30), int? maxTries})
→ Future<T>
readContract({required String contractAddress, required LocalContractFunctionWithValues function})
→ Future<String>
resolveENS({required String name, required String contractAddress})
→ Future<String?>
sendCoin({required TransferIntent<EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>> intent, required String from, required Uint8List seed})
→ Future<String>
Send Currency
sendERC1155Token({required TransferIntent<EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>> intent, required String contractAddress, required BigInt tokenID, required String from, required Uint8List seed})
→ Future<String>
Send ERC1155 Token
sendERC20Token({required TransferIntent<EvmFeeInformation<EvmGasPrice>> intent, required String from, required Uint8List seed})
→ Future<String>
Send ERC20 Token
sendERC721Nft({required String recipient, required String from, required int tokenId, required String contractAddress, required Uint8List seed})
→ Future<String>
Send ERC721
sendRawTransaction(String serializedTransactionHex)
→ Future<String>
→ String
A string representation of this object.
waitForTxConfirmation(String hash, {Duration interval = const Duration(seconds: 5)})
→ Future<bool>